Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nike + FuelBand | healthy bracelet -shaped tool

Are you want to control your daily activities to keep healthy? then the Nike + FuelBand can be your options. Nike + FuelBand is a bracelet health-shaped tool that is able to connect your activities to your iPhone via Bluetooth.

This tool has 20 LED color code depending on the fulfillment of the targets set by the user per day. Users can upload their total NikeFuel online and even share them with friends and family through several social media like Twitter and Facebook.

Scores can also be used to generate graphs to visually measure performance. What you do is use pelru continue FuelBand in the wrist, and perform various activities. The more activity was recorded by the band, the higher your score NikeFuel.

You can do a competition with co-workers or your family, because the FuelBand assessment results that can be directly made ​​its way to various social media. Nike + FuelBand plans will be available on February 22 with a price of $ 149.

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